Gwendolynne Reid

Associate Professor of English and Director of the Writing & Communication Program

Gwendolynne Reid is a scholar in rhetoric, composition, and writing studies, with a focus on writing in the disciplines, genre studies, and digital writing.  

Dr. Reid’s courses include writing and inquiry in the liberal arts, writing and inquiry in the liberal arts for multilingual students, rhetorical studies, and a discovery seminar on digital natives and digital literacies. She also frequently oversees students in self-directed studies in individual topics, and she is a participating faculty member in the Oxford Research Scholars program. Her students have published in edited collections, textbooks, and the undergraduate journal Young Scholars in Writing and presented at conferences such as the National Conference of Undergraduate Research.

A frequent presenter and panelist at academic conferences, Reid is a founding member of the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum and a member of the International Society for the Advancement of Writing Research, the National Council of Teachers of English, the Conference on College Composition and Communication, the Council of Writing Program Administrators, and the Small Liberal Arts Colleges-Writing Program Administrators (SLAC-WPA). She is the former co-chair of the CCCC Standing Group on Writing and STEM and current treasurer of SLAC-WPA.

Reid received a BA degree in intercultural studies summa cum laude from Bard College at Simon’s Rock, an MA degree in English from North Carolina State University, and an MA in screenwriting and film studies from Hollins University. Reid taught writing and rhetoric courses at North Carolina State University for a decade and joined the faculty of Oxford College in 2017 after receiving a PhD in communication, rhetoric, and digital media from North Carolina State University in 2017.


PhD| North Carolina State University| 2017

MA| North Carolina State University| 2005

MA| Hollins University| 2005

BA| Bard College at Simon's Rock| 1999

AA| Bard College at Simon's Rock| 1997

Courses Taught

Writing and Inquiry in the Liberal Arts

Writing and Inquiry in the Liberal Arts for Multilingual Students

Rhetorical Studies

The History of the Scientific Research Article Since 1665

Science Communication for Public Audiences

Discovery Seminar: Digital Natives and Digital Literacies

Discovery Seminar: Everyday Genres


Google Scholar Profile

Reid, Gwendolynne, Christopher Kampe, & Kathleen M. Vogel. “Tech Trajectories: A Methodology for Exploring the Tacit Knowledge of Writers Through Tool-Based Interviews.” Composition Forum, vol. 49, no. Summer, 2022,

Reid, Gwendolynne, Cherice Escobar Jones, & Mya Poe. “Citational Racism: How Leading Medical Journals Reproduce Segregation in American Medical Knowledge.” Bill of Health, 7 June 2022,
Reid, Gwendolynne. “Threshold Concepts in Scientific Writing Literacy: What Citizens and Scientists Need to Know About Scientific Writing.” The Routledge Handbook of Scientific Communication, edited by Cristina Hanganu-Bresch et al., Routledge, 2021, pp. 359–69.
Fankhauser, Sarah C., Gwendolynne Reid, et al. “Participating in the Scientific Publication Process: Exploring How Pre-College Students Perceive Publication within the Scientific Enterprise.” Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, vol. 3, no. 1, June 2021, pp. 1–22.
Vogel, Kathleen M., Gwendolynne Reid, et al. “The Impact of AI on Intelligence Analysis: Tackling Issues of Collaboration, Algorithmic Transparency, Accountability, and Management.” Intelligence and National Security, Routledge, July 2021, pp. 1–22.
Reid, Gwendolynne. "Compressing, Expanding, and Attending to Scientific Meaning: Writing the Semiotic Hybrid of Science for Professional and Citizen Scientists." Written Communication 36.1 (2019).
Reid, Gwendolynne, and Chris Anson. “Public- and Expert-Facing Communication: A Case Study of Polycontextuality and Context Collapse in Internet-Mediated Citizen Science.” Science Communication on the Internet: Old Genres Meet New Genres, edited by Carmen Pérez-Llantada and María José Luzón, John Benjamins, 2019, pp. 219–38,
Penrose, Ann M., and Gwendolynne Reid. “Learning about Learning: Composition’s Renewed Engagement with Cognition.” Composition Studies, vol. 46, no. 2, 2018, pp. 96-115.
Reid, Gwendolynne, and Carolyn R. Miller. “Classification and Its Discontents: Making Peace with Blurred Boundaries, Open Categories, and Diffuse Disciplines.” Composition, Rhetoric, and Disciplinarity, edited by Rita Malenczyk et al., Utah State UP, 2018, pp. 87–110, doi: 10.7330/9781607326953.c0005.
Kampe, Christopher, Gwendolynne Reid, et al. “Bringing the National Security Agency into the Classroom: Ethical Reflections on Academia-Intelligence Agency Partnerships.” Science and Engineering Ethics, Jan. 2018, pp. 1–30.

Reid, Gwendolynne. Shifting Networks of Science: Citizen Science and Scientific Genre Change. In Scientific Communication: Principles, Practices, and Methods. Eds. Han Yu and Kathryn Northcut. Routledge Studies in Technical Communication, Rhetoric, and Culture series. Routledge, 2017. 19-38.

Reid, Gwendolynne, Robin Snead, Keon Pettiway, and Brent Simoneaux. “Multimodal Communication in the University: Surveying Faculty across Disciplines.” Across the Disciplines 13 (2016).

Reid, Gwendolynne. “Updating the FYC-Library Partnership: Recent Work on Information Literacy and Writing Classrooms, WPA-CompPile Bibliographies, No. 25.” WPA-CompPile Research Bibliographies (September 2014). Eds. Rich Haswell and Dylan Dryer.

Selected Student Publications

Collett, Danielle Marie. “Oprah Winfrey at the Golden Globes: Using Epideictic Rhetoric to Celebrate an Alternative Vision for America.” Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric, vol. 16, 2019, pp. 105–14.
Kothari, Anusha. “Transforming Taboo: Discursive and Generic Uptake in South Asian Mental Health Recovery Narratives.” Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric, vol. 21, 2024, pp. 10–31.

Sarah, Mercedes. “Covert Resistance to #MeToo: The Uptake of Social Change and Public Anxiety in the Men’s Lifestyle Magazine Cover Genre.” Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric, vol. 20, 2023, pp. 71–92.

Savin, Delia. “The Construction and Functions of Value Arguments in Scientific Literature of the SARS and COVID-19 Pandemics.” Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric, vol. 22, Mar. 2025, pp. 69–84.
Yang, Yizhuo. “Cinematizing Immunity: The Rhetorical Effects of Science Fiction in the Public Communication of Science.” Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric, vol. 20, 2023, pp. 93–110.

Zhao, Amiee. “‘Proud to Be Autistic’: Greta Thunberg’s Queering Rhetorical Genre in Climate Change Advocacy.” Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric, vol. 21, 2024, pp. 101–17.

Zhu, Huisheng, and Qinyan Cai. “Flexible Intimacies in Three Moves: A Genre Analysis of the Scholarly Book Preface.” Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric, vol. 17, 2020, pp. 147–60.


Reid, Gwendolynne. “Genre or Media Formation? The Case of the Digital Monograph.” (In)Security: The Future of Literature and Language Studies. South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Atlanta, GA, November 2023.

“Using Tool-Based Interviews to Explore the Tacit Knowledge of Writers in Professional Settings.” Writing Research Across Borders: Trondheim, Norway, February 2023. 

“Invitations to Science: Using STEM Writing Pedagogy to Advance Representation in STEM Fields” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Virtual Conference, March 2022.

“The Role of the Public in Scientific Writing: Teaching Scientific Composing in an Age of Context Collapse” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Virtual Conference, April 2021.

Reid, Gwendolynne and Sarah C. Fankhauser. “Writing Science: Exploring Pre-College Scientific Publication Experiences.” Writing Research Across Borders: Virtual Conference, March 2021.

Ball, Cheryl, Jeff Kuure, Sarah McKee, and Gwendolynne Reid. “What We Wish Authors & Editors Knew About Digital Publishing.” Computers and Writing. East Lansing MI, June 2019.

“Performing Science: Secondary School Students’ Experiences with Publishing Science.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Pittsburgh PA, 2019.

“‘Talking to Other People in Their Own Languages’: Making Interdiscursive Connections as Scientific Composing.” International Writing Across the Curriculum conference. Auburn AL, 2018.

“Dappled and Digital: Composing the Discipline in New Media and Modes.” Panel: Composing Networks: Towards a More Heterogeneous Conception of Disciplinarity. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Kansas City MO, 2018.

“Of Whales, Hearts, and Databases: An Undergraduate's Rhetorical Education in and out of the Lab.” Panel: Learning to Write Disciplines: Cultivating Students’ Disciplinary Knowledge across Sites of Learning. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Portland OR, 2017. 

“Genre Change: Negotiating Polycontextuality in Scientific Genres.” Panel: Genres in a Complex World: Case Studies in Emergence and Change. Rhetorical Society of America, Atlanta GA, 2016.

“Interrogating our Schemas for Discipline-as-Category.” Panel: Composition, Rhetoric, and Disciplinarity: Coming to Terms with Our Past and Taking Action for the Future. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Houston TX, 2016.

“A Technologized Writing Pedagogy: Teaching the Writer’s Tools in FYC,” Panel: Pedagogy, Multimodality, and Digital Technology. Conference on College Composition and Communication, Tampa FL, 2015.

“Welcoming Wikipedia into the Classroom: Using Wikipedia to Teach Critical Information Literacy in the First-Year Writing Classroom.” Panel: Researching to Write, Writing to Research: Teaching Information Literacy to First-Year Writing Students, Conference on College Composition and Communication, Indianapolis IN, 2014.

Simoneaux, Brent, Gwendolynne Reid, Bethany Bradshaw, and Megan Hall. “Usability Meets Contingency: Redesigning a Writing Program’s Interface,” Computers and Writing Conference, Frostburg MD, 2013.

Research Interests

My research focuses on disciplinary communication and how students and other newcomes learn it. My interests stem largely from many years of teaching undergraduates about disciplinary writing and research and the realization that today’s students and communicators must adapt to increasingly complex communication environments.