Henry Bayerle

Associate Professor of Classics

Henry Bayerle earned a B.A. in Classics at Brown University and a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Harvard University in 2004. His research focuses on Roman epic and the reception of the Classics in medieval Europe. His dissertation, Speakers in the Latin Historical Epics of Twelfth-Century Italy, describes characterization in epic through the analysis of speeches and intertextual relations between medieval and ancient Latin epic.

He has published on the medieval Ars memoriae and has articles forthcoming in the Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages (Oxford University Press) and Autour de Mélusine: Gestes et Protocoles (Classiques Garnier).

Before coming to Oxford College in 2006, Dr. Bayerle taught Classics and Medieval Latin at The University of Miami and Harvard University.


BA| Brown University| 1989

PhD| Harvard University| 2004